1. Any changes of rules may only be made at the annual A.G.M. unless a extra ordinary general meeting is called with the exception or RULE 3

2. Dates times, of competitions shall be chosen by the committee.

3. Open times and boundaries and rules can be changed at any time by the committee

4. The boundaries will be set at the start of each season and all members must adhere to them.The river Blyth is fishable up to the Alcan fence on the north side and to the taxi rank on the south side.

5. The official weigh in shall take place at the rear of The General Havelock and finish 45 min after the end of the match .

6. No member will be allowed to fish, two hours prior to the start of any club match.

7. Fishing before or after the start or end of any club comp. will render the angler to attend a disciplinary meeting with the committee.

8. Members must phone or text the club phone  on 07759972422 if fishing the match and what ZONE they are fishing and again if they change ZONE’S or they cannot weigh their catch in.

9.All members fishing on the night are asked to return to the weigh in, If not returning to the weigh for any reason you must notify the club phone or a Committee member and we the committee would not like to see this done on a regular basis.

10. Members may ask another angler to weigh their catch but only at the committee’s discretion, this decision is final.

11. Only one rod and reel are allowed. A spare set up may be carried.

12. Members must hook and play their fish to the shore but may receive help to lift or gaff.

13. Members who bring fish to the scales must ensure they are free from hooks and sand or the weigh master will not weigh them until they are cleaned.

14. The minimum sizes are contained in the fish size appendix.

15. Members may become a member of another club if 2 matches clash your fish must be W/I at our club.

16. No game fish, shell fish, rockling, common eels, mackerel, rays bream, to be weighed in.

16. Members found in breach of any rules will be asked to attend a disciplinary meeting with the committee.